SATURDAY morning was come, and all the summer world was bright and fresh, and brimming with life. There was a song in every heart; and if the heart was young the music issued at the lips. There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step. The locust-trees were in bloom and the fragrance of the blossoms filled the air. Cardiff Hill, beyond the village and above it, was green with vegetation and it lay just far enough away to seem a Delectable Land, dreamy, reposeful, and inviting.
星期六的早晨到了,夏天的世界,陽光 明媚,空氣新鮮,充滿了生機。每個人的心中都蕩漾著一首歌,有些年輕人情不自禁地唱出了這首歌。每個人臉上都洋溢著歡樂,每個人的腳步都是那麽輕盈。洋槐 樹正開著花,空氣裏彌漫著芬芳的花香。村莊外面高高的卡第夫山上覆蓋著綠色的植被,這山離村子不遠不近,就像一塊“樂土”,甯靜安詳,充滿夢幻,令人向 往。
spring 跳,彈跳,湧出,生長,裂開
vegetation n. 植物
dreamy a. 空幻的,夢想的
reposeful adj. 平稳的,沉著的
inviting a. 引人動心的,有魅力的
delectable*a. 快樂的, 可喜的, 愉快的
Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. Sighing, he dipped his brush and passed it along the topmost plank; repeated the operation; did it again; compared the insignificant whitewashed streak with the far-reaching continent of unwhitewashed fence, and sat down on a tree-box discouraged. Jim came skipping out at the gate with a tin pail, and singing ~Buffalo Gals. Bringing water from the town pump had always been hateful work in Tom's eyes, before, but now it did not strike him so. He remembered that there was company at the pump. White, mulatto, and negro boys and girls were always there waiting their turns, resting, trading playthings, quarrelling, fighting, skylarking. And he remembered that although the pump was only a hundred and fifty yards off, Jim never got back with a bucket of water under an hour -- and even then somebody generally had to go after him. Tom said:
湯姆出現在人行道上,一只手拎著一桶灰漿,另一只手拿著一把長柄刷子。他環顧柵欄,所 有的快樂,立刻煙消雲散,心中充滿了惆怅。柵欄可是三十碼長,九英尺高啊。生活對他來說太乏味空洞了,活著僅是一種負擔。他歎了一口氣,用刷子蘸上灰漿, 沿著最頂上一層木板刷起來。接著又刷了一下,二下。看看剛刷過的不起眼的那塊,再和那遠不著邊際的柵欄相比,湯姆灰心喪氣地在一塊木箱子上坐下來。這時, 吉姆手裏提著一個錫皮桶,嘴中唱著“布法羅的女娃們”蹦蹦跳跳地從大門口跑出來。在湯姆眼中,到鎮上從抽水機裏拎水,一向是件令人厭煩的差事,現在他可不 這樣看了。他記得在那裏有很多伴兒。有白人孩子,黑人孩子,還有混血孩子,男男女女都在那排隊等著提水。大家在那兒休息,交換各自玩的東西,吵吵鬧鬧,爭 鬥嬉戲。而且他還記得盡管他們家離拎水處只有一百五十碼左右,可是吉姆從沒有在一個小時裏拎回一桶水來——有時甚至還得別人去催才行。湯姆說:
whitewash[ˊhwaitwɒʃ]n. 白色塗料,白粉膠泥水,塗脂抹粉
survey[sәːˊvei]vt. 俯瞰,眺望;調查,審視,概括地觀察;測量,勘定C俯視;C概觀,調查;測量
gladness[ˊglædnis]n. 歡樂,歡喜,喜悅
-melancholy[ˊmelәnkɒli]n. 憂鬱,悲哀,愁思a. 憂鬱的,使人悲傷的,愁思的
yards n. 碼
hollow[ˊhɒlou]n. 洞,窟窿,山谷a. 空的,虛偽的,空腹的,凹的vi. 形成空洞vt. 挖空
existence[igˊzistәns]n. 存在,生存,生活,生活方式
burden[ˊbәːdn]n. 負擔,重載,擔子,責任vt. 裝貨于,麻煩,使負擔
sigh[sai]n. 嘆息vi. 嘆息,渴望vt. 嘆息著說
plank[plæŋk]n. 厚木板,支架vt. 鋪板,立刻付款vi. 睡在板上
insignificant[insigˊnifikәnt]a. 無關重要的,無意義的,瑣碎的
whitewash[ˊhwaitwɒʃ]n. 白色塗料,白粉膠泥水,塗脂抹粉
streak[striːk]n. 條理,斑紋,傾向vt. 加條紋vi. 變成條紋,飛跑
continent[ˊkɒntinәnt]n. 大陸,洲a. 自制的,克制的
pail[peil]n. 桶,提桶,一桶的量
strike[straik]v. 打擊,攻擊,撞擊,擊中,發現,襲擊,使患上,使留下…印象n. 打擊,攻擊,撞擊
company[ˊkʌmpәni]n. C公司;U陪伴;U同伴;U賓客,客人;C群,隊,伙;C連,連隊
mulatto[mjuˊlætou]n. 白人和黑人的混血兒a. 白黑混血兒的,黃褐色的
plaything[ˊpleiθiŋ]n. 玩具,被玩弄的人
quarrel[ˊkwɑːәl]n. 吵架,反目,怨言,方形的東西vi. 吵架,爭論,挑剔
skylark[ˊskailɑːk]n. 雲雀,發瘋般的胡鬧vi. 開玩笑,胡鬧
"Say, Jim, I'll fetch the water if you'll whitewash some."
Jim shook his head and said: "Can't, Mars Tom. Ole missis, she tole me I got to go an' git dis water an' not stop foolin' roun' wid anybody. She say she spec' Mars Tom gwine to ax me to whitewash, an' so she tole me go 'long an' 'tend to my own business -- she 'lowed she'd 'tend to de whitewashin'."
shook[ʃuk]vbl. shake的過去式
missis[ˊmisiz]n. 太太,妻子
Mars: Mr.
an': Short for "and"
git: Total and utter tosser who is incapable of doing anything other than annoying people, and not in a way that is funny to others. Best used idly. e.g. "Git."
dis: this, to disrespect some one
wid: with
gwine: gone
whitewashin': whitewashing
'tend: [同] crop , cut back , dress , lop , prune , snip , trim , clip [例] dress the plants in the garden
de: the
'lowed: said
"Oh, never you mind what she said, Jim. That's the way she always talks. Gimme the bucket -- I won't be gone only a a minute. SHE won't ever know."
Gimme[口]=give me(或give it to me)
"Oh, I dasn't, Mars Tom. Ole missis she'd take an' tar de head off'n me. 'Deed she would."
"She! She never licks anybody -- whacks 'em over the head with her thimble -- and who cares for that, I'd like to know. She talks awful, but talk don't hurt -- anyways it don't if she don't cry. Jim, I'll give you a marvel. I'll give you a white alley!"
whack[hwæk] vt. 敲擊,重打,瓜分,匆忙做好vi. 重擊n. 重擊,重打,嘗試,正常狀態,一次
thimble[ˊθimbl]n. 頂針,嵌環,套管
alley[ˊæli]*n. 小徑, 小巷, 巷, 弄, 胡同, 滾球道, 彈石, 彈珠
Jim began to waver.
waver[ˊweivә]n. 動搖,躊躇,揮動者vi. 搖擺,顫抖,擺動,搖曳,猶豫
"White alley, Jim! And it's a bully taw."
bully[ˊbuli]n. 欺凌弱小者,土霸vt. 威脅,恐嚇,欺負vi. 欺負a. 好的,第一流的ad. 十分
taw[tɒː]vt. 用明礬和鹽揉制vi. 發出石彈n. 彈石,彈石遊戲,彈石基線
"My! Dat's a mighty gay marvel, I tell you! But Mars Tom I's powerful 'fraid ole missis --"
'fraid: afraid
"And besides, if you will I'll show you my sore toe."
sore[sɒː]a. 一碰就痛的,悲傷的,痛的,給予痛苦的n. 痛處,潰瘍,瘡
Jim was only human -- this attraction was too much for him. He put down his pail, took the white alley, and bent over the toe with absorbing interest while the bandage was being unwound. In another moment he was flying down the street with his pail and a tingling rear, Tom was whitewashing with vigor, and Aunt Polly was retiring from the field with a slipper in her hand and triumph in her eye. But Tom's energy did not last. He began to think of the fun he had planned for this day, and his sorrows multiplied. Soon the free boys would come tripping along on all sorts of delicious expeditions, and they would make a world of fun of him for having to work -- the very thought of it burnt him like fire. He got out his worldly wealth and examined it -- bits of toys, marbles, and trash; enough to buy an exchange of WORK, maybe, but not half enough to buy so much as half an hour of pure freedom. So he returned his straitened means to his pocket, and gave up the idea of trying to buy the boys. At this dark and hopeless moment an inspiration burst upon him! Nothing less than a great, magnificent inspiration.
吉 姆到底是個凡人,不是神仙——這誘惑對他太大了。他放下水桶,接過白石頭子兒,還饒有興趣地彎著腰看湯姆解開纏在腳上的布帶子,看那只腫痛的腳趾。可是, 一會兒之後,吉姆的屁股直痛,拎著水桶飛快地沿著街道跑掉了;湯姆繼續用勁地刷牆,因為波莉姨媽此時從田地幹活回來了。她手裏提著一只拖鞋,眼裏流露出滿 意的神色。不過,湯姆這股勁沒持續多久。他開始想起原先為這個休息日所作的一些玩耍的安排,心裏越想越不是滋味。再過一會兒,那些自由自在的孩子們就會蹦 跳著跑過來,做各種各樣開心好玩的遊戲,他們看到他不得不刷牆幹活,會大肆嘲笑挖苦他的——一想到這,湯姆心裏就像火燒似的難受。他拿出他全部的家當寶 貝,仔細地看了一陣——有殘缺不全的玩具、一些石頭子、還有一些沒有什麽用處的東西。這些玩意足夠用來換取別的孩子為自己幹活,不過,要想換來半個小時的 絕對自由,也許還差得遠呢。于是他又把這幾件可憐的寶貝玩意裝進口袋,打消了用這些來收買那些男孩子的念頭。正在這灰心絕望的時刻,他忽然靈機一動,計上 心來。這主意實在是聰明絕倫,妙不可言。
bent[bent]a. 彎曲的,決心的n. vbl. 彎曲n. 愛好
bend over俯身于…
absorbing[әbˊsɒːbiŋ]a. 吸引人的,非常有趣的
bandage[ˊbændidʒ]n. 繃帶
unwound[ʌnˊwaund]vbl. unwind的過去式和過去分詞a. 未卷繞的,鬆散的
unwind[ʌnˊwaind]vt. 展開
tingling發麻; 麻刺感; 麻感
vigor[ˊvigә]n. 精力,活力
slipper[ˊslipә]n. 拖鞋,制輪器vt. 用拖鞋打
triumph[ˊtraiәmf]n. 勝利,成功vi. 勝利,成功;狂歡,喜悅
sorrow[ˊsɑːou]n. 悲傷,哀惜,不幸vi. 悲傷,懊悔,遺憾
multiply[ˊmʌltiplai]vt. 乘,使相乘;倍增vi. 增加
tripping[ˊtripiŋ]a. 絆倒的,輕快的
Expedition[ˊekspiˊdiʃәn]n. 考察,探險;考察隊,探險隊
thought[θɒːt]n. 想法,思想,思維,思潮,關心,掛念v. vbl. think的過去式和過去分詞
marble[ˊmɑːbl]n. 大理石,石彈,雕刻品a. 大理石的,冷酷無情的,堅硬的
trash[træʃ]n. 垃圾,廢物 ;vt. 廢棄,vt. 破壞,損壞; 向...投擲垃圾;n. 搗毀行動,破壞行動
straiten[ˊstreitn]vt. 使為難,使窮困,限制
burst[bәːst]vi. 爆裂,炸破vt. 使…破裂,使…炸破n. 突然破裂,爆發
magnificent[mægˊnifisnt]a. 華麗的,高尚的,豐富的
He took up his brush and went tranquilly to work. Ben Rogers hove in sight presently -- the very boy, of all boys, whose ridicule he had been dreading. Ben's gait was the hop-skip-and-jump -- proof enough that his heart was light and his anticipations high. He was eating an apple, and giving a long, melodious whoop, at intervals, followed by a deep-toned ding-dong-dong, ding-dong-dong, for he was personating a steamboat. As he drew near, he slackened speed, took the middle of the street, leaned far over to star-board and rounded to ponderously and with laborious pomp and circumstance -- for he was personating the Big missouri, and considered himself to be drawing nine feet of water. He was boat and captain and engine-bells combined, so he had to imagine himself standing on his own hurricane-deck giving the orders and executing them:
他拿起刷子,一聲不響地幹了起 來。不一會兒,本·羅傑斯出現了——在所有的孩子們當中,正是這個男孩叫湯姆最害怕。湯姆最怕他的譏諷。本走路好像是做三級跳——這證明他此時的心情輕松 愉快,而且還打算幹點痛快高興的事。他正在吃蘋果,不時地發出長長的、好聽的“嗚——”的叫聲,隔會兒還“叮當當、叮當當”地學鈴聲響,他這是在扮演一只 蒸汽輪船。他越來越近,于是他減慢速度,走到街中心,身體傾向右舷,吃力、做作地轉了船頭使船逆風停下——他在扮演“大密蘇裏號”,好像已吃水九英尺深。 他既當船,又當船長還要當輪機鈴。因此他就想象著自己站在輪船的頂層甲板上發著命令,同時還執行著這些命令。
tranquilly[ˊtræŋkwili]ad. 安靜地,平靜地
hove[houv]vbl. heave的過去式
heave[hiːv]n. 舉,拋,起伏,鼓起vt. 用力舉起,使脹起,使鼓起vi. 拋出,起伏,喘息,凸起
ridicule[ˊridikjuːl]n. 嘲笑,愚弄,笑柄vt. 嘲笑,嘲弄,愚弄
dread[dred]n. 恐懼,可怕的人,可怕的事a. 可怕的,可怖的vt. vi. 恐懼,害怕
gait[geit]n. 步法,步態vt. 訓練…的步法
anticipation[ænˊtisiˊpeiʃәn]n. 期待,預料
melodious[mәˊloudiәs]a. 旋律美妙的,調子優美的,音樂性的
whoop[hwuːp]n. 大叫,吶喊,喘息聲,小塊vi. 叫喊,喘息vt. 高聲說,喚起
personate[ˊpәːsneit]vt. 扮演,偽裝,假冒,擬人化a. 假面狀的
slacken[ˊslækәn]vt. 使鬆弛,放鬆,放慢vi. 變鬆馳,減弱,呆滯
leaned = lean
lean[liːn]vi. 傾斜,屈身;倚,靠,依賴vt. 使傾斜;把…靠在某種東西上n. 傾斜,傾向
meantime[ˊmiːntaim]n. 此際,其時ad. 其間
"Say -- I'm going in a-swimming, I am. Don't you wish you could? But of course you'd druther work -- wouldn't you? Course you would!"
Tom contemplated the boy a bit, and said:
contemplate[ˊkɒntempleit]vt. 注視,沉思,打算vi. 冥思苦想
"No -- no -- I reckon it wouldn't hardly do, Ben. You see, Aunt Polly's awful particular about this fence -- right here on the street, you know -- but if it was the back fence I wouldn't mind and she wouldn't. Yes, she's awful particular about this fence; it's got to be done very careful; I reckon there ain't one boy in a thousand, maybe two thousand, that can do it the way it's got to be done."
“不——不行,本——我想 這恐怕不行。要知道,波莉姨媽對這面牆是很講究的——這可是當街的一面呀——不過要是後面的,你刷刷倒也無妨,姨媽也不會在乎的。是呀,她對這道牆是非常 講究的。刷這牆一定得非常精心。我想在一千,也許在兩千個孩子裏,也找不出一個能按波莉姨媽的要求刷好這道牆的。”
particular[pәˊtikjulә]a. 特別的,特殊的,詳細的,挑剔的,苛求的n. 細節,細目,詳情
lack[læk]n. 缺乏,不足vi. 缺乏,短少,沒有缺乏,短少,沒有;需要
muse[mjuːz]v. 沉思,默想,冥想n. 繆斯,詩人,詩興,詩才
awhile*a. 片刻, 一會兒
substantial[sәbˊstænʃәl]n. 重要部分,本質a. 實質上的,物質的,有內容的,結實的
circumstances n. 情況
wend[wend]vi. 行,走vt. 往
spring 跳,彈跳,湧出,生長,裂開
vegetation n. 植物
dreamy a. 空幻的,夢想的
reposeful adj. 平稳的,沉著的
inviting a. 引人動心的,有魅力的
delectable*a. 快樂的, 可喜的, 愉快的
Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. Sighing, he dipped his brush and passed it along the topmost plank; repeated the operation; did it again; compared the insignificant whitewashed streak with the far-reaching continent of unwhitewashed fence, and sat down on a tree-box discouraged. Jim came skipping out at the gate with a tin pail, and singing ~Buffalo Gals. Bringing water from the town pump had always been hateful work in Tom's eyes, before, but now it did not strike him so. He remembered that there was company at the pump. White, mulatto, and negro boys and girls were always there waiting their turns, resting, trading playthings, quarrelling, fighting, skylarking. And he remembered that although the pump was only a hundred and fifty yards off, Jim never got back with a bucket of water under an hour -- and even then somebody generally had to go after him. Tom said:
湯姆出現在人行道上,一只手拎著一桶灰漿,另一只手拿著一把長柄刷子。他環顧柵欄,所 有的快樂,立刻煙消雲散,心中充滿了惆怅。柵欄可是三十碼長,九英尺高啊。生活對他來說太乏味空洞了,活著僅是一種負擔。他歎了一口氣,用刷子蘸上灰漿, 沿著最頂上一層木板刷起來。接著又刷了一下,二下。看看剛刷過的不起眼的那塊,再和那遠不著邊際的柵欄相比,湯姆灰心喪氣地在一塊木箱子上坐下來。這時, 吉姆手裏提著一個錫皮桶,嘴中唱著“布法羅的女娃們”蹦蹦跳跳地從大門口跑出來。在湯姆眼中,到鎮上從抽水機裏拎水,一向是件令人厭煩的差事,現在他可不 這樣看了。他記得在那裏有很多伴兒。有白人孩子,黑人孩子,還有混血孩子,男男女女都在那排隊等著提水。大家在那兒休息,交換各自玩的東西,吵吵鬧鬧,爭 鬥嬉戲。而且他還記得盡管他們家離拎水處只有一百五十碼左右,可是吉姆從沒有在一個小時裏拎回一桶水來——有時甚至還得別人去催才行。湯姆說:
whitewash[ˊhwaitwɒʃ]n. 白色塗料,白粉膠泥水,塗脂抹粉
survey[sәːˊvei]vt. 俯瞰,眺望;調查,審視,概括地觀察;測量,勘定C俯視;C概觀,調查;測量
gladness[ˊglædnis]n. 歡樂,歡喜,喜悅
-melancholy[ˊmelәnkɒli]n. 憂鬱,悲哀,愁思a. 憂鬱的,使人悲傷的,愁思的
yards n. 碼
hollow[ˊhɒlou]n. 洞,窟窿,山谷a. 空的,虛偽的,空腹的,凹的vi. 形成空洞vt. 挖空
existence[igˊzistәns]n. 存在,生存,生活,生活方式
burden[ˊbәːdn]n. 負擔,重載,擔子,責任vt. 裝貨于,麻煩,使負擔
sigh[sai]n. 嘆息vi. 嘆息,渴望vt. 嘆息著說
plank[plæŋk]n. 厚木板,支架vt. 鋪板,立刻付款vi. 睡在板上
insignificant[insigˊnifikәnt]a. 無關重要的,無意義的,瑣碎的
whitewash[ˊhwaitwɒʃ]n. 白色塗料,白粉膠泥水,塗脂抹粉
streak[striːk]n. 條理,斑紋,傾向vt. 加條紋vi. 變成條紋,飛跑
continent[ˊkɒntinәnt]n. 大陸,洲a. 自制的,克制的
pail[peil]n. 桶,提桶,一桶的量
strike[straik]v. 打擊,攻擊,撞擊,擊中,發現,襲擊,使患上,使留下…印象n. 打擊,攻擊,撞擊
company[ˊkʌmpәni]n. C公司;U陪伴;U同伴;U賓客,客人;C群,隊,伙;C連,連隊
mulatto[mjuˊlætou]n. 白人和黑人的混血兒a. 白黑混血兒的,黃褐色的
plaything[ˊpleiθiŋ]n. 玩具,被玩弄的人
quarrel[ˊkwɑːәl]n. 吵架,反目,怨言,方形的東西vi. 吵架,爭論,挑剔
skylark[ˊskailɑːk]n. 雲雀,發瘋般的胡鬧vi. 開玩笑,胡鬧
"Say, Jim, I'll fetch the water if you'll whitewash some."
Jim shook his head and said: "Can't, Mars Tom. Ole missis, she tole me I got to go an' git dis water an' not stop foolin' roun' wid anybody. She say she spec' Mars Tom gwine to ax me to whitewash, an' so she tole me go 'long an' 'tend to my own business -- she 'lowed she'd 'tend to de whitewashin'."
shook[ʃuk]vbl. shake的過去式
missis[ˊmisiz]n. 太太,妻子
Mars: Mr.
an': Short for "and"
git: Total and utter tosser who is incapable of doing anything other than annoying people, and not in a way that is funny to others. Best used idly. e.g. "Git."
dis: this, to disrespect some one
wid: with
gwine: gone
whitewashin': whitewashing
'tend: [同] crop , cut back , dress , lop , prune , snip , trim , clip [例] dress the plants in the garden
de: the
'lowed: said
"Oh, never you mind what she said, Jim. That's the way she always talks. Gimme the bucket -- I won't be gone only a a minute. SHE won't ever know."
Gimme[口]=give me(或give it to me)
"Oh, I dasn't, Mars Tom. Ole missis she'd take an' tar de head off'n me. 'Deed she would."
"She! She never licks anybody -- whacks 'em over the head with her thimble -- and who cares for that, I'd like to know. She talks awful, but talk don't hurt -- anyways it don't if she don't cry. Jim, I'll give you a marvel. I'll give you a white alley!"
whack[hwæk] vt. 敲擊,重打,瓜分,匆忙做好vi. 重擊n. 重擊,重打,嘗試,正常狀態,一次
thimble[ˊθimbl]n. 頂針,嵌環,套管
alley[ˊæli]*n. 小徑, 小巷, 巷, 弄, 胡同, 滾球道, 彈石, 彈珠
Jim began to waver.
waver[ˊweivә]n. 動搖,躊躇,揮動者vi. 搖擺,顫抖,擺動,搖曳,猶豫
"White alley, Jim! And it's a bully taw."
bully[ˊbuli]n. 欺凌弱小者,土霸vt. 威脅,恐嚇,欺負vi. 欺負a. 好的,第一流的ad. 十分
taw[tɒː]vt. 用明礬和鹽揉制vi. 發出石彈n. 彈石,彈石遊戲,彈石基線
"My! Dat's a mighty gay marvel, I tell you! But Mars Tom I's powerful 'fraid ole missis --"
'fraid: afraid
"And besides, if you will I'll show you my sore toe."
sore[sɒː]a. 一碰就痛的,悲傷的,痛的,給予痛苦的n. 痛處,潰瘍,瘡
Jim was only human -- this attraction was too much for him. He put down his pail, took the white alley, and bent over the toe with absorbing interest while the bandage was being unwound. In another moment he was flying down the street with his pail and a tingling rear, Tom was whitewashing with vigor, and Aunt Polly was retiring from the field with a slipper in her hand and triumph in her eye. But Tom's energy did not last. He began to think of the fun he had planned for this day, and his sorrows multiplied. Soon the free boys would come tripping along on all sorts of delicious expeditions, and they would make a world of fun of him for having to work -- the very thought of it burnt him like fire. He got out his worldly wealth and examined it -- bits of toys, marbles, and trash; enough to buy an exchange of WORK, maybe, but not half enough to buy so much as half an hour of pure freedom. So he returned his straitened means to his pocket, and gave up the idea of trying to buy the boys. At this dark and hopeless moment an inspiration burst upon him! Nothing less than a great, magnificent inspiration.
吉 姆到底是個凡人,不是神仙——這誘惑對他太大了。他放下水桶,接過白石頭子兒,還饒有興趣地彎著腰看湯姆解開纏在腳上的布帶子,看那只腫痛的腳趾。可是, 一會兒之後,吉姆的屁股直痛,拎著水桶飛快地沿著街道跑掉了;湯姆繼續用勁地刷牆,因為波莉姨媽此時從田地幹活回來了。她手裏提著一只拖鞋,眼裏流露出滿 意的神色。不過,湯姆這股勁沒持續多久。他開始想起原先為這個休息日所作的一些玩耍的安排,心裏越想越不是滋味。再過一會兒,那些自由自在的孩子們就會蹦 跳著跑過來,做各種各樣開心好玩的遊戲,他們看到他不得不刷牆幹活,會大肆嘲笑挖苦他的——一想到這,湯姆心裏就像火燒似的難受。他拿出他全部的家當寶 貝,仔細地看了一陣——有殘缺不全的玩具、一些石頭子、還有一些沒有什麽用處的東西。這些玩意足夠用來換取別的孩子為自己幹活,不過,要想換來半個小時的 絕對自由,也許還差得遠呢。于是他又把這幾件可憐的寶貝玩意裝進口袋,打消了用這些來收買那些男孩子的念頭。正在這灰心絕望的時刻,他忽然靈機一動,計上 心來。這主意實在是聰明絕倫,妙不可言。
bent[bent]a. 彎曲的,決心的n. vbl. 彎曲n. 愛好
bend over俯身于…
absorbing[әbˊsɒːbiŋ]a. 吸引人的,非常有趣的
bandage[ˊbændidʒ]n. 繃帶
unwound[ʌnˊwaund]vbl. unwind的過去式和過去分詞a. 未卷繞的,鬆散的
unwind[ʌnˊwaind]vt. 展開
tingling發麻; 麻刺感; 麻感
vigor[ˊvigә]n. 精力,活力
slipper[ˊslipә]n. 拖鞋,制輪器vt. 用拖鞋打
triumph[ˊtraiәmf]n. 勝利,成功vi. 勝利,成功;狂歡,喜悅
sorrow[ˊsɑːou]n. 悲傷,哀惜,不幸vi. 悲傷,懊悔,遺憾
multiply[ˊmʌltiplai]vt. 乘,使相乘;倍增vi. 增加
tripping[ˊtripiŋ]a. 絆倒的,輕快的
Expedition[ˊekspiˊdiʃәn]n. 考察,探險;考察隊,探險隊
thought[θɒːt]n. 想法,思想,思維,思潮,關心,掛念v. vbl. think的過去式和過去分詞
marble[ˊmɑːbl]n. 大理石,石彈,雕刻品a. 大理石的,冷酷無情的,堅硬的
trash[træʃ]n. 垃圾,廢物 ;vt. 廢棄,vt. 破壞,損壞; 向...投擲垃圾;n. 搗毀行動,破壞行動
straiten[ˊstreitn]vt. 使為難,使窮困,限制
burst[bәːst]vi. 爆裂,炸破vt. 使…破裂,使…炸破n. 突然破裂,爆發
magnificent[mægˊnifisnt]a. 華麗的,高尚的,豐富的
He took up his brush and went tranquilly to work. Ben Rogers hove in sight presently -- the very boy, of all boys, whose ridicule he had been dreading. Ben's gait was the hop-skip-and-jump -- proof enough that his heart was light and his anticipations high. He was eating an apple, and giving a long, melodious whoop, at intervals, followed by a deep-toned ding-dong-dong, ding-dong-dong, for he was personating a steamboat. As he drew near, he slackened speed, took the middle of the street, leaned far over to star-board and rounded to ponderously and with laborious pomp and circumstance -- for he was personating the Big missouri, and considered himself to be drawing nine feet of water. He was boat and captain and engine-bells combined, so he had to imagine himself standing on his own hurricane-deck giving the orders and executing them:
他拿起刷子,一聲不響地幹了起 來。不一會兒,本·羅傑斯出現了——在所有的孩子們當中,正是這個男孩叫湯姆最害怕。湯姆最怕他的譏諷。本走路好像是做三級跳——這證明他此時的心情輕松 愉快,而且還打算幹點痛快高興的事。他正在吃蘋果,不時地發出長長的、好聽的“嗚——”的叫聲,隔會兒還“叮當當、叮當當”地學鈴聲響,他這是在扮演一只 蒸汽輪船。他越來越近,于是他減慢速度,走到街中心,身體傾向右舷,吃力、做作地轉了船頭使船逆風停下——他在扮演“大密蘇裏號”,好像已吃水九英尺深。 他既當船,又當船長還要當輪機鈴。因此他就想象著自己站在輪船的頂層甲板上發著命令,同時還執行著這些命令。
tranquilly[ˊtræŋkwili]ad. 安靜地,平靜地
hove[houv]vbl. heave的過去式
heave[hiːv]n. 舉,拋,起伏,鼓起vt. 用力舉起,使脹起,使鼓起vi. 拋出,起伏,喘息,凸起
ridicule[ˊridikjuːl]n. 嘲笑,愚弄,笑柄vt. 嘲笑,嘲弄,愚弄
dread[dred]n. 恐懼,可怕的人,可怕的事a. 可怕的,可怖的vt. vi. 恐懼,害怕
gait[geit]n. 步法,步態vt. 訓練…的步法
anticipation[ænˊtisiˊpeiʃәn]n. 期待,預料
melodious[mәˊloudiәs]a. 旋律美妙的,調子優美的,音樂性的
whoop[hwuːp]n. 大叫,吶喊,喘息聲,小塊vi. 叫喊,喘息vt. 高聲說,喚起
personate[ˊpәːsneit]vt. 扮演,偽裝,假冒,擬人化a. 假面狀的
slacken[ˊslækәn]vt. 使鬆弛,放鬆,放慢vi. 變鬆馳,減弱,呆滯
leaned = lean
lean[liːn]vi. 傾斜,屈身;倚,靠,依賴vt. 使傾斜;把…靠在某種東西上n. 傾斜,傾向
ponderously*adv. 沉重地, 沉悶地
-laborious*a. 艱苦的, 費勁的, 勤勞的
pomp*n. 壯麗, 盛觀, 誇耀
circumstance*n. 情況, 形勢, 環境, 境況, 境遇
"Stop her, sir! Ting-a-ling-ling!" The headway ran almost out, and he drew up slowly toward the sidewalk.
headway[ˊhedwei]n. 前進,航行速度,進展
-laborious*a. 艱苦的, 費勁的, 勤勞的
pomp*n. 壯麗, 盛觀, 誇耀
circumstance*n. 情況, 形勢, 環境, 境況, 境遇
"Stop her, sir! Ting-a-ling-ling!" The headway ran almost out, and he drew up slowly toward the sidewalk.
headway[ˊhedwei]n. 前進,航行速度,進展
run out跑出,用光,耗盡
"Ship up to back! Ting-a-ling-ling!" His arms straightened and stiffened down his sides.
straighten[ˊstreitn]vt. 弄直,使正確,整頓,清理,使改正vi. 直起來,改正,好轉
stiffen[ˊstifn]vt. 使堅硬,使僵硬,使生硬,使粘稠vi. 變粘,變硬,變猛烈
"Set her back on the stabboard! Ting-a-ling-ling! Chow! ch-chow-wow! Chow!" His right hand, meantime, describing stately circles -- for it was representing a forty-foot wheel.“右舷後退,叮——啊鈴——鈴!嚓嗚——嚓——嚓嗚!嚓嗚!”他一邊喊著,一邊用手比劃著畫個大圈——這代表著一個四十英尺大轉輪。
meantime[ˊmiːntaim]n. 此際,其時ad. 其間
stately[steitli]a. 雄偉的,莊嚴的
"Let her go back on the labboard! Ting-a-ling-ling! Chow-ch-chow-chow!" The left hand began to describe circles.
"Stop the stabboard! Ting-a-ling-ling! Stop the labboard! Come ahead on the stabboard! Stop her! Let your outside turn over slow! Ting-a-ling-ling! Chow-ow-ow! Get out that head-line! lively now! Come -- out with your spring-line -- what're you about there! Take a turn round that stump with the bight of it! Stand by that stage, now -- let her go! Done with the engines, sir! Ting-a-ling-ling!"
"Sh't! s'h't! sh't!" (trying the gauge-cocks).
“ 右舷停!叮——啊鈴——鈴!左舷停!右舷前進!停!外面慢慢轉過來!叮——啊鈴——鈴!嚓——嗚——嗚!把船頭的繩索拿過來!快點!喂——再把船邊的繩索 遞過來——你在發什麽呆!把繩頭靠船樁繞住好,就這麽拉緊——放手吧!發動機停住,夥計!叮——啊鈴——鈴!希特——希特——希特!”(摹仿著汽門排氣的 聲音。)
stump[stʌmp]n. 殘株,樹樁,煙蒂,講演台vt. 砍斷,挑戰,難住vi. 蹣跚而走
bight[bait]n. 海灣,繩圈vt. 結成繩圈
"Stop the stabboard! Ting-a-ling-ling! Stop the labboard! Come ahead on the stabboard! Stop her! Let your outside turn over slow! Ting-a-ling-ling! Chow-ow-ow! Get out that head-line! lively now! Come -- out with your spring-line -- what're you about there! Take a turn round that stump with the bight of it! Stand by that stage, now -- let her go! Done with the engines, sir! Ting-a-ling-ling!"
"Sh't! s'h't! sh't!" (trying the gauge-cocks).
“ 右舷停!叮——啊鈴——鈴!左舷停!右舷前進!停!外面慢慢轉過來!叮——啊鈴——鈴!嚓——嗚——嗚!把船頭的繩索拿過來!快點!喂——再把船邊的繩索 遞過來——你在發什麽呆!把繩頭靠船樁繞住好,就這麽拉緊——放手吧!發動機停住,夥計!叮——啊鈴——鈴!希特——希特——希特!”(摹仿著汽門排氣的 聲音。)
stump[stʌmp]n. 殘株,樹樁,煙蒂,講演台vt. 砍斷,挑戰,難住vi. 蹣跚而走
bight[bait]n. 海灣,繩圈vt. 結成繩圈
gauge[geidʒ]n. 標準度量,計量器vt. 精確計量,估計
cock[kɒk]n. 公雞,公鳥,龍頭,頭目,錐形小幹草堆vt. 使聳立,使豎起
Tom went on whitewashing -- paid no attention to the steamboat. Ben stared a moment and then said: "Hi-Yi! you're up a stump, ain't you!"
No answer. Tom surveyed his last touch with the eye of an artist, then he gave his brush another gentle sweep and surveyed the result, as before. Ben ranged up alongside of him. Tom's mouth watered for the apple, but he stuck to his work. Ben said:
"Hello, old chap, you got to work, hey?"
chap[tʃæp]n. 小伙子,顎,龜裂vt. vi. 皸裂
No answer. Tom surveyed his last touch with the eye of an artist, then he gave his brush another gentle sweep and surveyed the result, as before. Ben ranged up alongside of him. Tom's mouth watered for the apple, but he stuck to his work. Ben said:
gentle[ˊdʒentl]a. 有禮貌的,文雅的;柔和的,和緩的;出身高貴的
sweep[swiːp]n. 掃除,打掃,肅清,視野,範圍,全勝vt. 掃除,用手指彈,猛拉,掃蕩,肅清,衝走
alongside[әˊlɒŋsaid]prep. 與…並排,在…旁邊
"Hello, old chap, you got to work, hey?"
chap[tʃæp]n. 小伙子,顎,龜裂vt. vi. 皸裂
Tom wheeled suddenly and said: "Why, it's you, Ben! I warn't noticing."
wheel[hwiːl]n. 輪子,車輪,輪,旋轉,週期,機構,重要人物vt. 旋轉,裝以車輪,轉動
wheel[hwiːl]n. 輪子,車輪,輪,旋轉,週期,機構,重要人物vt. 旋轉,裝以車輪,轉動
"Say -- I'm going in a-swimming, I am. Don't you wish you could? But of course you'd druther work -- wouldn't you? Course you would!"
Tom contemplated the boy a bit, and said:
contemplate[ˊkɒntempleit]vt. 注視,沉思,打算vi. 冥思苦想
"What do you call work?"
"Why, ain't that work?"
Tom resumed his whitewashing, and answered carelessly: "Well, maybe it is, and maybe it ain't. All I know, is, it suits Tom Sawyer."
"Oh come, now, you don't mean to let on that you like it?"
The brush continued to move.
"Like it? Well, I don't see why I oughtn't to like it. Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?"
That put the thing in a new light. Ben stopped nibbling his apple. Tom swept his brush daintily back and forth -- stepped back to note the effect -- added a touch here and there -- criticised the effect again -- Ben watching every move and getting more and more interested, more and more absorbed. Presently he said:
nibble[ˊnibl]n. 半字節n. 半位元組,細咬,輕咬,啃vt. vi. 一點一點地咬,細咬,吹毛求疵
daintily[ˊdeintili]ad. 優美爽口,難以取悅地,講究
"Why, ain't that work?"
Tom resumed his whitewashing, and answered carelessly: "Well, maybe it is, and maybe it ain't. All I know, is, it suits Tom Sawyer."
"Oh come, now, you don't mean to let on that you like it?"
The brush continued to move.
"Like it? Well, I don't see why I oughtn't to like it. Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?"
That put the thing in a new light. Ben stopped nibbling his apple. Tom swept his brush daintily back and forth -- stepped back to note the effect -- added a touch here and there -- criticised the effect again -- Ben watching every move and getting more and more interested, more and more absorbed. Presently he said:
nibble[ˊnibl]n. 半字節n. 半位元組,細咬,輕咬,啃vt. vi. 一點一點地咬,細咬,吹毛求疵
daintily[ˊdeintili]ad. 優美爽口,難以取悅地,講究
forth[fɒːθ]ad. 向前方,向前
criticise[ˊkritisaiz]vt. vi. 批評,吹毛求疵,非難
absorbed[әdˊsɒːbәd]a. 全神貫注的,一心一意的
"Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little."
Tom considered, was about to consent; but he altered his mind:
consent[kәnˊsent]n. U同意,贊成vi. 同意,贊成
Tom considered, was about to consent; but he altered his mind:
consent[kәnˊsent]n. U同意,贊成vi. 同意,贊成
alter[ˊɒːltә]vt. 改變,更改,修改
"No -- no -- I reckon it wouldn't hardly do, Ben. You see, Aunt Polly's awful particular about this fence -- right here on the street, you know -- but if it was the back fence I wouldn't mind and she wouldn't. Yes, she's awful particular about this fence; it's got to be done very careful; I reckon there ain't one boy in a thousand, maybe two thousand, that can do it the way it's got to be done."
“不——不行,本——我想 這恐怕不行。要知道,波莉姨媽對這面牆是很講究的——這可是當街的一面呀——不過要是後面的,你刷刷倒也無妨,姨媽也不會在乎的。是呀,她對這道牆是非常 講究的。刷這牆一定得非常精心。我想在一千,也許在兩千個孩子裏,也找不出一個能按波莉姨媽的要求刷好這道牆的。”
particular[pәˊtikjulә]a. 特別的,特殊的,詳細的,挑剔的,苛求的n. 細節,細目,詳情
"No -- is that so? Oh come, now -- lemme just try. Only just a little -- I'd let you, if you was me, Tom."
"Ben, I'd like to, honest injun; but Aunt Polly -- well, Jim wanted to do it, but she wouldn't let him; Sid wanted to do it, and she wouldn't let Sid. Now don't you see how I'm fixed? If you was to tackle this fence and anything was to happen to it --"
Injun[ˊindʒәn]n. 美國印第安人
fixed[fikst]a. 固定的,不變的,準備好的
"Ben, I'd like to, honest injun; but Aunt Polly -- well, Jim wanted to do it, but she wouldn't let him; Sid wanted to do it, and she wouldn't let Sid. Now don't you see how I'm fixed? If you was to tackle this fence and anything was to happen to it --"
Injun[ˊindʒәn]n. 美國印第安人
fixed[fikst]a. 固定的,不變的,準備好的
tackle[ˊtækl]n. 工具,復滑車,滑車,裝備,扭倒vt. 固定,處理,抓住vi. 扭倒
"Oh, shucks, I'll be just as careful. Now lemme try. Say -- I'll give you the core of my apple."
"Well, here -- No, Ben, now don't. I'm afeard --"
afeard a. 恐懼的
shucks[ʃʌks]int. 表示不滿或歉意時所發的字眼
core[kɒː]n. 核心,果心,爭論的核心vt. 挖…的核
"Well, here -- No, Ben, now don't. I'm afeard --"
afeard a. 恐懼的
"I'll give you all of it!"
Tom gave up the brush with reluctance in his face, but alacrity in his heart.
reluctance[riˊlʌktәns]n. 不願,勉強,厭惡
Tom gave up the brush with reluctance in his face, but alacrity in his heart.
reluctance[riˊlʌktәns]n. 不願,勉強,厭惡
alacrity[әˊlækriti]n. 敏捷,輕快,樂意
And while the late steamer Big Missouri worked and sweated in the sun, the retired artist sat on a barrel in the shade close by, dangled his legs, munched his apple, and planned the slaughter of more innocents. There was no lack of material; boys happened along every little while; they came to jeer, but remained to whitewash. By the time Ben was fagged out, Tom had traded the next chance to Billy Fisher for a kite, in good repair; and when he played out, Johnny Miller bought in for a dead rat and a string to swing it with -- and so on, and so on, hour after hour. And when the middle of the afternoon came, from being a poor poverty-stricken boy in the morning, Tom was literally rolling in wealth. He had besides the things before mentioned, twelve marbles, part of a jews-harp, a piece of blue bottle-glass to look through, a spool cannon, a key that wouldn't unlock anything, a fragment of chalk, a glass stopper of a decanter, a tin soldier, a couple of tadpoles, six fire-crackers, a kitten with only one eye, a brass doorknob, a dog-collar -- but no dog -- the handle of a knife, four pieces of orange-peel, and a dilapidated old window sash.
當剛才那只“大密蘇裏號”在陽光下幹活, 累得大汗淋漓的時候,這位離了職的藝術家卻在附近的陰涼下,坐在一只木桶上,跷著二郎腿,一邊大口大口地吃著蘋果,一邊暗暗盤算如何再宰更多的傻瓜。這樣 的小傻瓜會有許多。每過一會兒,就有些男孩子從這經過;起先他們都想來開開玩笑,可是結果都被留下來刷牆。在本累得精疲力盡時,湯姆早已經和比利·費施做 好了交易。比利用一個修得很好的風筝換來接替本的機會。等到比利也玩得差不多的時候,詹尼·米勒用一只死老鼠和拴著它的小繩子購買了這個特權——一個又一 個的傻小子受騙上了當,接連幾個鍾頭都沒有間斷。下午快過了一半的時候,湯姆早上還是個貧困潦倒的窮小子,現在一下子就變成了腰包鼓鼓的闊佬了。除了以上 提到的那些玩意以外,還有十二顆石頭子;一只破口琴;一塊可以透視的藍玻璃片;一門線軸做的大炮;一把什麽鎖也不開的鑰匙;一截粉筆;一個大酒瓶塞子;一 個錫皮做的小兵;一對蝌蚪;六個鞭炮;一只獨眼小貓;一個門上的銅把手;一根拴狗的頸圈——卻沒有狗——一個刀把;四片桔子皮;還有一個破舊的窗框。
steamer[ˊstiːmә]n. 汽船,蒸汽機
barrel[ˊbærәl]n. 桶,大琵琶桶;一桶的量;圓筒,槍管;大量
shade[ʃeid]n. 蔭,陰暗,蔭涼處,遮光物,燈罩,簾,濃淡,些微vi. 漸變vt. 使陰暗,使漸變
當剛才那只“大密蘇裏號”在陽光下幹活, 累得大汗淋漓的時候,這位離了職的藝術家卻在附近的陰涼下,坐在一只木桶上,跷著二郎腿,一邊大口大口地吃著蘋果,一邊暗暗盤算如何再宰更多的傻瓜。這樣 的小傻瓜會有許多。每過一會兒,就有些男孩子從這經過;起先他們都想來開開玩笑,可是結果都被留下來刷牆。在本累得精疲力盡時,湯姆早已經和比利·費施做 好了交易。比利用一個修得很好的風筝換來接替本的機會。等到比利也玩得差不多的時候,詹尼·米勒用一只死老鼠和拴著它的小繩子購買了這個特權——一個又一 個的傻小子受騙上了當,接連幾個鍾頭都沒有間斷。下午快過了一半的時候,湯姆早上還是個貧困潦倒的窮小子,現在一下子就變成了腰包鼓鼓的闊佬了。除了以上 提到的那些玩意以外,還有十二顆石頭子;一只破口琴;一塊可以透視的藍玻璃片;一門線軸做的大炮;一把什麽鎖也不開的鑰匙;一截粉筆;一個大酒瓶塞子;一 個錫皮做的小兵;一對蝌蚪;六個鞭炮;一只獨眼小貓;一個門上的銅把手;一根拴狗的頸圈——卻沒有狗——一個刀把;四片桔子皮;還有一個破舊的窗框。
steamer[ˊstiːmә]n. 汽船,蒸汽機
barrel[ˊbærәl]n. 桶,大琵琶桶;一桶的量;圓筒,槍管;大量
shade[ʃeid]n. 蔭,陰暗,蔭涼處,遮光物,燈罩,簾,濃淡,些微vi. 漸變vt. 使陰暗,使漸變
dangle[ˊdæŋgl]vi. 搖晃地懸掛著,追求vt. 使搖晃地懸掛n. 搖晃地懸掛
munch[mʌntʃ]vt. vi. 用力咀嚼,大聲咀嚼
slaughter[ˊslɒːtә]n. 殘殺,屠殺,大量殺戮vt. 殘殺,屠殺,虧本出售
innocent[ˊinәsnt]a. 清白的;天真的,單純的;無知的,頭腦簡單的;沒有…的n. 天真無邪的人lack[læk]n. 缺乏,不足vi. 缺乏,短少,沒有缺乏,短少,沒有;需要
material[mәˊtiәriәl]n. 材料,物資,素材,布料,資料a. 物質的,肉體的,具體的
along[әˊlɒŋ]prep. 沿著,順著ad. 往前,一直向前
fag sb out使累極,使精疲力竭
string[striŋ]n. 字符串,細繩,索,帶子;一串,一行,一列v. 縛,扎,穿,串起,排成一列
swing[swiŋ]n. 搖擺,振幅,音律,節奏,漲落,秋千,旋轉,自由活動vi. 搖擺,懸掛,旋轉;vi. [俚]趨附時尚,趕時髦;活躍,活潑; 亂搞男女關系
poverty-stricken a. 為貧窮所困惱的,非常貧窮的
literally[ˊlitәrәli]ad. 逐字地,按照字面上地,不誇張地
beside[biˊsaid]prep. 在…旁邊,在…附近;與…相比,比得上
jaws n. 口,狹口,咽喉,險地
harp[hɑːp]n. 豎琴vi. 彈奏豎琴,不停的說
spool[spuːl]n. 線軸,纏線用的框vt. 纏繞在線軸上,纏繞
cannon[ˊkænәn]n. 大砲,加農砲vt. vi. 砲轟
chalk[tʃɒːk]n. 粉筆,白堊vt. 用粉筆寫,記錄
stopper[ˊstɒpә]n. 阻止的人,木塞,制止器vt. 用塞子塞住,閉嘴
decanter[diˊkæntә]n. 餐桌用的有塞子的波璃瓶
soldier[ˊsouldʒә]n. 軍人,士兵,兵蟻vi. 從軍,盡職,偷懶;n. [美俚](黑手黨的)打手,受雇用的暴徒
tadpole[ˊtædpoul]n. 蝌蚪
brass[bræs]n. 黃銅,黃銅制品a. 黃銅的,銅管樂器的vt. vi. 鍍以黃銅,支付
doorknob[ˊdɒːnɒb]n. 門把
collar[ˊkɒlә]n. 衣領,頸間vt. 控制,扭住衣領,抓取
peel[piːl]n. 皮vt. 削…皮vi. 蛻皮,剝落,脫皮
dilapidated[diˊlæpideitid]a. 毀壞的,荒廢的,要塌似的
sash[sæʃ]n. 框格,肩帶,腰帶vt. 裝以窗框,系上腰帶
dilapidated[diˊlæpideitid]a. 毀壞的,荒廢的,要塌似的
sash[sæʃ]n. 框格,肩帶,腰帶vt. 裝以窗框,系上腰帶
He had had a nice, good, idle time all the while -- plenty of company -- and the fence had three coats of whitewash on it! If he hadn't run out of whitewash he would have bankrupted every boy in the village.
Tom said to himself that it was not such a hollow world, after all. He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it -- namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain. If he had been a great and wise philosopher, like the writer of this book, he would now have comprehended that Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and that Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do. And this would help him to understand why constructing artificial flowers or performing on a tread-mill is work, while rolling ten-pins or climbing Mont Blanc is only amusement. There are wealthy gentlemen in England who drive four-horse passenger-coaches twenty or thirty miles on a daily line, in the summer, because the privilege costs them considerable money; but if they were offered wages for the service, that would turn it into work and then they would resign.
湯姆自言自語道,這世 界原來並不是那麽空洞乏味啊。他已經不知不覺地發現了人類行為的一大法則——那就是為了讓一個大人或一個小孩渴望幹什麽事,只需設法將這事變得難以到手就 行了。如果他是位偉大而明智的哲學家,就像這本書的作者,他就會懂得所謂“工作”就是一個人被迫要幹的事情,至于“玩”就是一個人沒有義務要幹的事。這個 道理使他明白了為什麽做假花和蹬車輪就算是工作,而玩十柱戲和爬勃朗峰就算是娛樂。英國有錢的紳士在夏季每天駕著四輪馬拉客車沿著同樣的路線走上二三十 裏,他們為這種特權竟花了很多錢。可是如果因此付錢給他們的話,那就把這樁事情變成了工作,他們就會撒手不幹了。
covet[ˊkʌvit]vt. vi. 妄想,垂涎
attain[әˊtein]vt. 達到,完成;到達vi. 到達
wise[waiz]a. 明智的,慎慮的,聰明的,賢明的,博學的,明白的,狡猾的
philosopher[fiˊlɒsәfә]n. 哲學家,哲人,思想家
comprehend[kɒmpriˊhen]vt. 理解,包括
artificial[ɑːtiˊfiʃәl]a. 人工的,人造的;矯揉造作的,不自然的
tread[tred]n. 踏,步態,梯級,交尾,鞋底vi. 踏,行走,交尾vt. 踩,踏,踐踏,跳
mill[mil]n. 壓榨機,磨坊,制造廠vt. 碾磨,磨細,攪拌,使亂轉,打vi. 亂轉,被碾磨
amusement[әˊmjuːzmәnt]n. 娛樂的狀態,娛樂,樂事
gentlemen[ˊdʒentlmen]n. 紳士們
considerable[kәnˊsidәrәbl]a. 相當的,可觀的,重要的
wages n. 工資
resign[riˊzain]vt. 放棄,辭去;把…交託給;使順從vi. 辭職
The boy mused awhile over the substantial change which had taken place in his worldly circumstances, and then wended toward headquarters to report.
plenty[ˊplenti]n. 許多,大量,充足的,豐富a. 充裕的,足夠的,很多的
coat[kәut]n. 外套,上衣;皮毛,表皮;層,塗層vt. 塗上,蓋上,包上
bankrupt[ˊbæŋkrʌpt]a. 破產的,倒閉的;缺乏的,喪失的
coat[kәut]n. 外套,上衣;皮毛,表皮;層,塗層vt. 塗上,蓋上,包上
bankrupt[ˊbæŋkrʌpt]a. 破產的,倒閉的;缺乏的,喪失的
Tom said to himself that it was not such a hollow world, after all. He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it -- namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain. If he had been a great and wise philosopher, like the writer of this book, he would now have comprehended that Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and that Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do. And this would help him to understand why constructing artificial flowers or performing on a tread-mill is work, while rolling ten-pins or climbing Mont Blanc is only amusement. There are wealthy gentlemen in England who drive four-horse passenger-coaches twenty or thirty miles on a daily line, in the summer, because the privilege costs them considerable money; but if they were offered wages for the service, that would turn it into work and then they would resign.
湯姆自言自語道,這世 界原來並不是那麽空洞乏味啊。他已經不知不覺地發現了人類行為的一大法則——那就是為了讓一個大人或一個小孩渴望幹什麽事,只需設法將這事變得難以到手就 行了。如果他是位偉大而明智的哲學家,就像這本書的作者,他就會懂得所謂“工作”就是一個人被迫要幹的事情,至于“玩”就是一個人沒有義務要幹的事。這個 道理使他明白了為什麽做假花和蹬車輪就算是工作,而玩十柱戲和爬勃朗峰就算是娛樂。英國有錢的紳士在夏季每天駕著四輪馬拉客車沿著同樣的路線走上二三十 裏,他們為這種特權竟花了很多錢。可是如果因此付錢給他們的話,那就把這樁事情變成了工作,他們就會撒手不幹了。
covet[ˊkʌvit]vt. vi. 妄想,垂涎
attain[әˊtein]vt. 達到,完成;到達vi. 到達
wise[waiz]a. 明智的,慎慮的,聰明的,賢明的,博學的,明白的,狡猾的
philosopher[fiˊlɒsәfә]n. 哲學家,哲人,思想家
comprehend[kɒmpriˊhen]vt. 理解,包括
artificial[ɑːtiˊfiʃәl]a. 人工的,人造的;矯揉造作的,不自然的
tread[tred]n. 踏,步態,梯級,交尾,鞋底vi. 踏,行走,交尾vt. 踩,踏,踐踏,跳
mill[mil]n. 壓榨機,磨坊,制造廠vt. 碾磨,磨細,攪拌,使亂轉,打vi. 亂轉,被碾磨
amusement[әˊmjuːzmәnt]n. 娛樂的狀態,娛樂,樂事
gentlemen[ˊdʒentlmen]n. 紳士們
considerable[kәnˊsidәrәbl]a. 相當的,可觀的,重要的
wages n. 工資
resign[riˊzain]vt. 放棄,辭去;把…交託給;使順從vi. 辭職
The boy mused awhile over the substantial change which had taken place in his worldly circumstances, and then wended toward headquarters to report.
muse[mjuːz]v. 沉思,默想,冥想n. 繆斯,詩人,詩興,詩才
awhile*a. 片刻, 一會兒
substantial[sәbˊstænʃәl]n. 重要部分,本質a. 實質上的,物質的,有內容的,結實的
circumstances n. 情況
wend[wend]vi. 行,走vt. 往